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Forward scattering measuring system for low and medium Turbidity

InPro 8400  

InPro8400 sensors are ideal for detection of larger particles (≥ 0.3 µm). The simultaneous measurement of forward scattered and direct light allows compensation of color changes. Typical applications: filter breakthrough detection, detection of emulsified oil in water, beer/beverage clarity.

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InPro 8500

 InPro8500 sensors provide additional trend information on the size composition of undissolved particles. The magnitude of the 90° and 12° ratio turbidity indicates if more colloidal or larger particles are present. Typical applications: quality assurance measurements of filtered beverages/beer.

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Backward scattering measuring system for medium and highTurbidity


InPro 8050

 The InPro8050 turbidity sensor is used for the measurement of suspended solids in industrial wastewater applications. A system is completed with a Trb8300 transmitter and an appropriate sensor housing such as InDip550.

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Turbidity sensor InPro8050

The InPro8100 turbidity sensor is used for the measurement of turbidity in biotechnological applications - typically biomass growth in fermenters (cell density). A system is completed with a Trb8300 transmitter and an appropriate sensor housing from the InFit or InTrac family.

 Click here for more information on the METTLER TOLEDO INGOLD site

Turbidity sensor InPro8100

InPro 8200

The InPro8200 turbidity sensor with Epoxy bonded window is used for the measurement of turbidity in chemical and pharmaceutical process applications - typically crystallization control and solid/liquid separation monitoring. A system is completed with a Trb8300 transmitter and an appropriate sensor housing from the InFit or InTrac family.

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Turbidity sensor InPro8200



Stationary housings of the InFit range from METTLER TOLEDO INGOLD are available in a large variety of models. They allow quick and simple static installation of measurement electrodes/sensors in vessels (top- or side-entry), pipes and flow-through chambers via an appropriate adapter. Typical applications cover measurement of pH / ORP, DO, conductivity and turbidity.

Stationary housings

Retractable housings from METTLER TOLEDO INGOLD are available in a variety of models to suit specific process and user requirements. They allow easy and safe insertion and withdrawal of electrodes/sensors without interruption of the ongoing process. Particularly suitable for processes which tend to cause sensor contamination or which run over extended periods.

Retractable housings



Transmitters for Turbidity


METTLER TOLEDO’s turbidity systems are developed for In-Line, real time process control. The two systems based on forward/90° scattered light and the other on back scattered light technology completes the whole range. 

Click her for more information on the METTLER TOLEDO INGOLD site

For more information; contact Elscolab tel: +31 342 426080 or Click here.